Wednesday, September 2, 2009
phase 1 complete!
phase one of the get ready to travel and drop kids to various relatives is complete! My sooon to be 15 year old son is off to Grandma's along with the dog. I miss them both terribly already. I still have 3 at home though. Need to work on the packing. mostly have an idea WHAT to pack just need to DO IT! I also need to get the two little kids packed. and find the cat. Tomorrow begins phase two. And off we will go, over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house to deliver two more kids. Saturday begins phase three, head for the city that the airport is in and stay over night. SUNDAY WE FLY OUT! I know Sophie and Ben dont know we are coming for them, but I have enough excitement for ALL THREE OF US! Official appointment is on Tuesday.